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Artista - Femme
Suresnes (Ile-de-France), Francia

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Langue : Francés - Inglés

Silven SALIEGE presentation

Silven's plunge into the artistic life was brutal. In the summer of 2004 she learned that she had Parkinsons. Her response : creative energy.

Paris, Florence, London, Tahiti, restaurant owner, model, language teacher....the many lives Silven lead and which forged her esthetic sense, her creativity and the way she sees the world.

Self-taught, her work is the fruit of free, instinctive and emotional creativity.
Silven plays with colors and materials without presupposed ideas. Her inspiration comes from her multiple travels and experiences, and the many personalities that crossed her life. Unavoidable icons of contemporary culture, people with strong messages that left an imprint on our times, she treats them with sensitivity, elegance and an inspiration which gives her works all of their force and which can be perceived as a true message of hope.

She expose in various galleries in Paris, in public places, artistic manifestations etc.


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