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Galería de arte
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59, rue Quincampoix
75004 - Francia, Paris (Ile-de-France)
Tél. +33 (0)142717456

Presentation of Nelson-Freeman

In 1982 Philip Nelson opened Galerie Nelson in Villeurbanne, France. Eleven years later, the gallery moved to Paris, where commitment to its artists remained the gallery's top priority through close relationships with artists, exhibitions that allow for significant creative development, and participation in prestigious international art fairs, including Art Basel, Miami Basel, FIAC, and Art Brussels.

Galerie Nelson's founder formed a partnership with American gallerist Peter Freeman in 2006 in order to maintain and perpetuate Galerie Nelson's success. The partnership transformed the gallery into Galerie Nelson-Freeman, a gallery that continues to uphold the traditions of Galerie Nelson while welcoming new artists into its family, most recently Mel Bochner and Eric Poitevin.

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