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Artista - Homme - 64 ans
Pattaya (Chon Buri), Tailandia

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Presentation of Jean Marc LOUIS

Jean-Marc's work is a constant research, greatly influenced by his experiences
and his memories.
His first inspiring influences come from Africa ( his native land ).
Art amateur in general and particularly Tribal Art, he brought back from his trips
objects of pure look.
The shape simplicity, the colour harmony, the material mixture are such elements
that we find on his pieces.
That is also from Africa that comes his liking for recycling, this step is a constant
in his work.
Paper, canvas, cardboard, wood, metal are his favorite supports as long as they
carry the marks of time, the brush, pencil and scissors, the tools he is fond of.
In an abstractive research he is bringing us toward background or recent memories
marked by enigmatic signs it is up to each of interpret as if he wanted to share
with us a bit of that world which is his.

Artistic commitment of Jean Marc LOUIS

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